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Ovely permissive CORS

Origin header is sent by the browser in a CORS request and indicates that origin request. It may be spoofed outside the browser, so need...

Query Parameter SSL

URL contain a sensitive query parameter and stored in the browser history. Web application may be configured log the URL of all request....


Salt A new salt (form of encryption) is randomly generated for each password. Setting a salt and a password are concatenated and...

Validation Rule

You can add input validation to Web Forms pages by using validation controls. To make sure that all the required parameters exist in a...

Null byte Injection

It is also possible to pass the null character in the URL, which creates a vulnerability known as Null Byte Injection. In the URL it is...

Anti-CSRF and AJAX

The Form token is make problem for AJAX request, Ajax is send the JASON data not a HTML form because of this form token not be validated...

Blind SQL Injection

It is nearly same as normal SQL injection but the difference is that it retrieved the data from the database. It asks a true and false...

SQL Injection

Nowadays SQL injection is a common attack that use malicious SQL injection code for database manipulation to access information. OR When...

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