Maintaining data usability
Reversed data by employing same algorithm
No secret key
Maintaining data confidentiality
Reversed data by secret key
Use key
Validating the integrity of content
Validate through the signature
Signature by a sender
SQL Injection
Display error message
It does not ask ant question
Attacker see the result
Blind SQL Injection
Does not see an error message
It ask a true and false question to database
Attacker not see the result
SQL Injection
Inserting query syntax
Attacker send simple text based syntax
Injecting SQL field value in the form of regular expression
It can be easily effected
Cross-Site Scripting
Embedded script tags in URL
Attacker send simple text based script
Simple HTML tags in the form of the regular expression
It can be affect with average vulnerability
Cross-Site Scripting
It doesn’t need authentication
Escape the basic validating
Need of java script
A site that is vulnerable to XSS attacks is also vulnerable to CSRF attacks
Cross-Site Request Forgery
Authenticated Session
Server trust the user
Not need of javascript
A site that is completely protected from XSS types of attacks is still most likely vulnerable to CSRF attacks.